Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hello people who read my blog. Who are you? If you'd kindly answer the question below I can get an idea of the people who read this. I don't want to install a counter on this site so I thought I 'd try this instead.

How did you find out about this website?
Select up to 3 of the following:
You gave me the address and we talk outside of the blogosphere.
I got the address from a friend.
I got the address from a friend and don't even know you outside of the blogosphere.
You gave me the address but we never talk.
You gave me the address but I don't talk to you very often.
I got the address from someone else's blog.
Web Polls by Vizu


Blogger Indian Blogger said...

I know you. I got your blog from you.(Remember the stats class) I get RSS feed of your blog.!:)

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate you!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Deac said...

Dan: Excessive use of the word blogosphere was for your benefit.

ib: I remember, you would fall into the first answer.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Stefanie said...

i voyed twice for kicks.

1:52 AM  
Blogger Stefanie said...


1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have a legitimate question... why do people who don't know you read your blog? It seems kind of strange, am I wrong?

10:29 AM  
Blogger Deac said...

Good question Dan. I think it goes into the way communication is shifting to the internet in Web 2.0. Take my blog for instance, I update from time to time and mostly put up thoughts or just talk about what I’m doing. With the exception of the odd “I hate you” from yourself the communication is one way. I present portions of my life on the blog and present myself in a certain way.

It would interesting to see the difference between what the people who know me and read the blog think and the perception of me by people who have visit but are only linked via Kevin Bacon like degrees of separation.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just seems strange that someone who doesn't know you would be interested in keeping up with your life. As there is limited viewpoint/opinion and more fact surrounding what movies you're watching, where you have been studying etc. Perhaps you should adopt more of a topical theme to the page as Rachel has. Though I don't necessarily care, as I just read it to keep up with what my Deacy is doing.

2:55 PM  
Blogger rachel said...

Perhaps the theme could be "Misadventures of 'Deacy'"?

3:49 PM  

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