Friday, June 16, 2006


We've had some interesting speakers come to Queens this week. Today was Jason Moscovitz whose picture below actually doesn't look like him at all. He presented a presentation on giving good presentations. One person from the class couldn't help but ask him to sign off: "Jason Moscovitz, CBC, Kingston".

Yesterday we went to see the former (as of two months ago) CEO and President of Sun Microsystems. He was a great speaker as well. Lots of talk of how energy efficient Sun servers were. It appeals to me that a company that doesn't need to focus on the environment does.

Last weekend was a completely different experience as Paul was in town for a sister city conference. The conference was for American and Canadian cities that had sistered with Cuban ones. Mostly it was held here because it couldn't be held in the US. I've never been in a room with so many left leaning Americans before. The attitudes just didn't jive with the accents. The highlight was definitely when the former mayor of Mobile Alabama got up to auction of some articles to raise some money. This guy was about 90 years old but started into it like he was auctioning cattle.


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