Saturday, March 25, 2006

I dislike Brıan Fellows!

So to many and, myslef before today, Brıan Fellows (Tracey Morgan) was the hılarıous host of SNL's Safari Planet. Wıth quotes lıke "Rabbıts don't cut haır ... That's Crazy".

Brıan Fellows was also a 19th century Brıtısh explorer who "re-dıscovered" the ancıent cıty of Xanthos. So what dıd he do wıth ıt once ıt was refound. He packed ıt ınto boxes and shıpped ıt to London on a war shıp. The Turkısh government lıkes to hıghlıght thıs at Xanthos wherever possıble wıth pıctures and descrıptıons of what he took but no descrıptıons of what's stıll there. They've also let grafiti lıke "Another example of fuckıng Brıtısh Imperıalısm" be etched ınto their sıgns. It worked on my and by the end I was angry wıth thıs Brıan Fellows fellow.

The Brıtısh should return all that stuff to Turkey. Although then the Brıtısh Museum would be left empty of all things none British, whıch to me seems appropriate. Maybe Turkey should demand to hold onto all of the best Brıtısh archeolgıcal relics for the next 150 years to even the score.


Blogger rachel said...

The British are better equipped to care for these treasures... at least that's what the BM told the Greeks.

But seriously, things are changing. Recently, Austria agreed to return several Klimts to a Jewish woman whose family lost them in WWII (including the "Adele Bloch-Bauer"); the Met is returning the Euphronios krater to Italy (arguably the most famous piece of pottery in the world).

Watershed moments in terms of returning objects to their rightful owners began in the 80's with aboriginal items such as totem poles and burial objects (locally, the Museum of Anthropology has done this). It is only a matter of time before this attitude becomes more widespread. Most likely it will be manifested in "let's make a deal"-type arrangements between display facilities... But don't get me started on this issue.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo bro, this is Leroy. Brian fellows was a classic victorian bloke. Back in the day of imperialism things like this happended all but regularly, this isn't the only case, although it may have been the one that caught you attention due to pop culture(SNL). Watchin PBS in my spare time, and boy do i have alot! there are countless egyption and indian pieces in britan that have been dubbed "stolen" by thier home countries.

This is due to the times, and the british thinking only of their supiriorty...not to mention power through higher munitions...guns=power. Lets face it, they had the power and used it.

It is up to the british to return these items if they chose, and only then, no power can change this and only time will tell. I agree that it is imorale to steal 'treasure' from native lands. Most notably the devestation of central/south america through the conquistadore mother fuckers. If only i had all that gold which caused so much class seperation in spain....i'd be RICH BIATCH

i know my spelling sucks....blow me

1:06 AM  
Blogger Deac said...

Wow, these comments break length records for the blog. Thanks guys.

8:37 AM  

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